Friday, May 26, 2006


I awoke to clear blue skies at 8am, the latest I'd slept for a long time. We were in a lovely valley with steep vertical walls going up a couple of hundred meters. We ate a breakfast of bread & eggs.

After a quick visit to his rock climbing friends we set off on a walk up the river. It was Friday & a very popular place to come for a picnic, all along the banks of the river were groups of people. Iranians take their picnics very seriously. Of course there's a large blanket, proportional to the size of the group. There'll be a portable stove or fire to prepare food & make tea. Many brought even hookahs (water pipes). While they seemed happy to carry in a lot of stuff they were less so to carry out the rubbish afterwards, there were so many plastic bags & bottles strewn everywhere that it spoiled the beauty of the place for me. We cooked lunch on my little stove & walked back down to the rock climbing spot. I regretted having so much larger feet than everyone as it would have been a great chance to give rock climbing a go. We returned to Mashhad for a relaxing evening.

I cycled 0 km

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