After a nice morning been shown around Foça I set off in the direction of Selçuk. I figured that I'd only get to around Izmir. I didn't figure on how much of a pain it would be to get around Izmir.
Selçuk had given me directions to avoid part of the main road, passing along quiet country roads.
However I couldn't avoid Izmir & about 40km of busy dual carriage-way. The sunny morning turned into an overcast afternoon o ce I got to the city. Towards the end I was rushing to get out into the country in order to find a place to camp. The city, population 2.5 million, never seemed to end. Shortly after the airport farms & greenhouses started appearing & at the first available exit I left the highway.
I found a field to camp in. The spot was a bit too close to a road & habitation but it was the best I could do. It worked out mostly fine. I could get water from a nearby factory. Unfortunately a local dog spotted my tent at about 4am & started barking. The only way to get it to stop was to throw a couple of rocks in its direction. Don't worry animal lovers there was no way that I was going to hit him. It retreated & soon forgot about me so stopped barking. As I settled myself back in another one started up but fortunately got bored & went away after 5 minutes. At 5am or so I was woken again by the first call for prayer but went back to sleep before it ended. Note to self, don't camp near towns or villages.
I cycled 88km in 4 hours & 56 minutes
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